
Technology adoption and social protection: Evidence from rural and urban Ethiopia

Promovendus BM (Betelhem) Negede MSc
Promotor MJ (Maarten) Voors
Organisatie Wageningen University, Leerstoelgroep Ontwikkelingseconomie

wo 28 augustus 2024 11:00 tot 12:30

Locatie Omnia, gebouwnummer 105
Hoge Steeg 2
6708 PH Wageningen
+31 (0)317 - 484 500
Zaal/kamer Auditorium

Samenvatting (Engelstalig)

Tackling poverty in Sub-Saharan Africa is a major global challenge, with agriculture often seen as key to development. However, factors like population growth, rapid urbanization, and a young workforce are reshaping African agriculture. Rapid urbanization in Africa has brought about new dynamics, amplifying issues of poverty and food insecurity traditionally associated with rural areas. By delving into maize market challenges, and urbanization trends, the thesis aims to explore the role of technology adoption and income support on poverty reduction and achieving UN Sustainable Development Goals 1 (No Poverty) and 2 (Zero Hunger) by using experimental and non-experimental methodologies, focusing on Ethiopia. Acknowledging the interconnected nature of poverty and food insecurity across rural and urban landscapes, the thesis advocates for a holistic approach to development.