
EFFICIENT (EFFectIve food Chain IntervENTion) Protocol

This approach helps you to monitor FLW, identify hotspots and root causes and design valuable interventions to reduce FLW.

The interactive Excel-based tool guides the user through 6 phases that can be implemented in sequence. The phases include 1. Scoping phase, 2. Flow phase, 3. Focus phase. 4. Measurement phase (optional), 5. Causes phase and 6. Interventions phase. The result of the first phase forms the starting point for the second phase, and so forth. An interested user also has the option to focus on a single phase or a number of selected phases of the protocol. 

What type of insights does the methodology generate?

  • What are the hotspots of FLW in the supply chain, the critical loss points, root causes of FLW, and potential interventions for my supply chain's FLW issues?